"Once again the Grosse Pointe Art Center has been graced with a visit by internationally known Peruvian artist, Juan Carlos Zeballos Moscairo. Juan Carlos has exhibited work all over the world; Peru, Lima, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Uruguay, Mexico, Germany, Russia, France,England, Spain, and many states in the US including Michigan, Florida and California. Juan Carlos is known for his large, vibrant abstract art. He first visited Michigan in 2009 as part of the Grosse Pointe Art Center's Holiday Shop exhibit. Following his arrival in Grosse Pointe, he also exhibited in Arianna Gallery in Royal Oak, MI. In May of 2011, he arrived back in Michigan to install new paintings. Both galleries continue to carry and exhibit his work. For information on viewing or purchasing his art go to http://www.grossepointeartcenter.org/, http://www.ariannagallery.com/ or http://www.zeballosmoscairo.com/."
Amy DeBrunner/Director
'viaje en globo'/2011/45x 60 inches/oil on canvas

Wordplay Show, June 10, 2011 - July 9, 2011
“Word Play” isn’t the only new exhibit gracing the walls of the GPAC. The gallery is also hosting work by “2010 Best of Show” winners — Jeff Cancelosi, Alonzo Edwards, Janet Hamrick, Kevin Martin, Hilarie Robie and Nobuko Yamasaki — as well as the “Circus Show” — circus-themed art by Yamasaki, Zena Carnaghi, Barbara Carr, Isabell Goosen, Charmaine Kaptur, Carol LaChiusa, Joyce Anne Manke and Lori Zurvalec — and new abstracts by Peruvian artist Juan Carlos Zeballos Mascairo.
julio 09, 2011
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